Abbie @ Ba#bin$ #$ntess$ri H$#e

Ms angie又帶Abbie去試堂,今次是位於尖沙咀一間Montessori 的playgroup。是次以他們的優惠價錢連試3堂,再決定會否繼續就讀。



  • 小肌肉 (pouring , spooning, transferring exercises)
  • 自理  (brushing hair, prepare own snack, washing hands……)
  • 愛護環境 (cleaning the plants)
  • 還有少許認知的教具 (puzzles)

教具的安排也合理讓孩子可以建立秩序感(sense of order)

Abbie入讀的班是英文+普通話,課室有兩位老師,他們都很有耐心讓Abbie了解在課室內基本的規則。例如,如何收拾、如何拿教具及如何操作等。他們也讓Abbie選擇她喜歡的活動後才介入協助。(Follow the child’s need.) 真正以孩子為主導,我十分欣賞!

美中不足,語言刺激不足夠。Circle time時間以唱兒歌為主,英文兒歌大概會唱7首而普通話只有1首。而且普通話的老師有少許方言,我的耳朵告訴我她好有可能是台灣的。沒有故事活動,可能試堂當日沒有罷了,我不肯定。但我認為,兒歌跟故事是non-negotiable即每天也要有的活動。


但最後Ms angie也參加了,因為實在太喜歡他寧靜而又make senses的環境。規則多也有好處至少可以過濾了一批怪獸家長。

但坦白跟大家說,這類型的playgroup是可上可不上。若果,你在家中要求孩子一起分擔家務。玩返一點傳統的玩兒,例如泥膠、剪紙、刺孔之類。可惜因為Ms angie要上班,而Abbie快給奶奶寵壞唯有讓其他老師教導教導。




About Angie Chan

“Early Childhood is the foundation on which children build the rest of their lives. And I believe learning can via many different ways to explore and experience. It is so much fun when seeing the children finds their ways to learn and love to learn which drive me to keep the passion on working with children.”
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2 Responses to Abbie @ Ba#bin$ #$ntess$ri H$#e

  1. shirley says:

    I am also finding playgoup for my daughter. I need to work and take care my daughter by her grandmother.
    Would you please tell me the playgroup name in TST which apply Montessori ? Thanks and Regards

  2. Katherine says:

    Angie, thanks for your sharing :)

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