Abbie @ VXXXXXXX (HG) Open Day 2012


我是透過 1. 參觀校內環境設施 2. 閱覽學生的作品 3. 與老師的交談 綜合感想。純綷個人感想,而且希望大家明白只有1-2小時在Open day參觀學校實在不能評論該學校是好/不好,或者換另一角度去想,是否合適與不合適自己小孩的學校會更實際。再好的東西不合適自己是沒有用的。所以不要問我這所學校好與不好

1. 參觀校內環境設施


Constructive Area (I love this corner): 積木/建構。非常好的一個角落,因為小朋友可以在此發揮搶意,入角前有大概6隻鞋印,應該最多可讓6個小朋友同時進入活動。樍木是原木,沒有顏色(十分好,因為讓孩子可集中積木的外型進行創造)。以前做的一所學校都有相同的角落,他們還有大型的積木即1米長好大件個種,孩子們都很喜歡進入活動,唯一缺點小朋友可能會揼到腳趾>.<

Use of Mirror let the child observe, explore the reflection from the mirror. It is very interesting and able to inspire the child’s imgination.


Light & Shadow, it is the normal phenomenon which can enhance child’s imagination.


For eye hand co-ordination and shape identifying. For child under 2.5 is OK.


ICT corner for learning Maths/ Language. But I don’t like child being explored in front of electronic products too early.Well depends on what you think.


Language learning corner, big Alphabet card and some words magnets.


*There are another learning corners but I have to take care of my little one no time to take pictures. Learning corners such as Art, Dressing up, Sensory education. library and they also fully utilize the broad to display the children’s works.*

*還有其他的學習區,因為照顧囡兒未能拍下照片。其他學習區有美術(有大畫架), 扮演區、感官學習、圖書及充份利用牆身展示幼兒的作品*

Classroom environment compartively rich. Full of learning elements. I can find Jolly Phonics, English Corner with sigh words, Maths Corner and some activity corner which similar to project approach but not i don’t know what the name is. Is a kind of having a theme then elaborate and let the child explore by themselves.

課室環境學習原素非常豐富有英語拼音、學習數學的角落(找不到真的可以實際可操佢的教具但牆身有多數字之類的東西), 有些好像Project Approach的活動角但應該唔太像真的Project Approach. 佢是以主題伸展再排不同類型的活動讓小朋友探索。


3. 與老師的交談


沒有使用教材套,即沒有特定的書籍/作業本,只有英文會加入Jolly Phonics的拼音課程。但每學其會派發類似curriculum的資料,大概可了解到小朋友完了一學期後學了什麼東西。

坦白講,N班的老師外表雖然有點像嬸嬸但她很有耐心地聆聽我的問題及作解釋而且好温柔。而其他班房的老師有點Cool (可能見到我不停拍照,好似Spy一樣吧^^), 校長就笑容可鞠的,很有禮。

2. 閱覽學生的作品

他們的profilio實再好OK(可惜不能拍照做記錄>.<),是A3 size的profilio在那所學校教的老師一定好辛苦。Profilio收錄了孩子活動時的照片、圖畫、他們的文字記錄之類。我比較喜歡這類的活動,至少孩子的work done唔會是千篇一律的抄寫或者不合邏輯的工作紙(在工作紙上有些圖片要孩子圈出厚薄之類)。加上小孩所寫的句子是他們心中所想,這樣的writing才有意義,文字本來就是用來傳逹思想而不是抄寫或做沒有靈魂的改寫/重組句子,把人訓練成機器一樣。

*總結:大量採用了瑞吉歐教學方案Reggio Approach例如空間與環境的運用,課程記實即孩子的profilio。但布置或展示作品比較多,可能為配合Open Day。可惜的是這所學校沒有戶外活動場但它在我心中放了一很高的位置。*

若希望更了解一所學校,最好的方法應該致電查詢能否平日visit。因為Open Day 不能反應學校的真實情況。

小插曲,若果大家有拿它的資料的話”走進探索世界” (Journey of Inquiry) p.7 有些問題,大家能否發現?


About Angie Chan

“Early Childhood is the foundation on which children build the rest of their lives. And I believe learning can via many different ways to explore and experience. It is so much fun when seeing the children finds their ways to learn and love to learn which drive me to keep the passion on working with children.”
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One Response to Abbie @ VXXXXXXX (HG) Open Day 2012

  1. Siumalo says:

    Have u visited the Esf Abacus kindergarten along Clearwater Bay road? The small campus is totally different from other esf campus which is surrounded by greenery and with an outdoor playground for the kids to play n hang around daily as long as the weather allowed. It is not a Montessori school of course but luckily enough the class teachers whom taught/ is teaching my boy have similar approaches and everyday when I ask if he’s happy at school, his answer is always, ‘ I am very happy and I know (learn) ….’ I also try my very best to apply Montessori ways on my boys too! =)

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