Weekly Letter Sound l for lollipop


I love the way our school introduce letter sound. Children can learn the new phonetic sound every week. And what we do is just stick the sandpaper letter on the door let the children free to trace it. We also show the object which has the ‘l’ as the beginning sound then keep them on the tray let the children explore them whenever they want.

We also sing a song of letter ‘l’

Lion licks the lollipop ‘l’,’l’,’l’

Lion licks the lollipop ‘l’,’l’,’l’

Lion licks the lollipop ‘l’,’l’,’l’

‘l’ is the sound of letter l.

Just to remind all of you the correct pronunciation for “l” is “llll”, not “luh”

About Angie Chan

“Early Childhood is the foundation on which children build the rest of their lives. And I believe learning can via many different ways to explore and experience. It is so much fun when seeing the children finds their ways to learn and love to learn which drive me to keep the passion on working with children.”
This entry was posted in Montessori 蒙特梭利, Phonics Teaching 英語拼音教學. Bookmark the permalink.

5 Responses to Weekly Letter Sound l for lollipop

  1. Mow Hoi Ching says:

    Interesting !I want to learn phonic too! Will you have any suggestion for me? Or, any class you held at this moment? Thx

    • Angie Chan says:

      How old is your child now? I suggest children who mother tongue not english start Phonics after 3. You will see the result will be very good when they are started at appropriate time. In the meantime you can listen the songs with your baby from youtube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xGpsVmWLRFA&feature=related .
      I introduce the sound to by baby because I love to let her explore different things during her early age. However, I don’t bring my baby to the playgroup to learn coz too early for her to have a regular lesson.

  2. Mow Hoi Ching says:

    my boy is only 6 months, I know it may too early to introduce phonic to him, but actually, I want to learn by myself, I believed I should prepare myself before I teach him. So I just want to know any place I can learn phonic. By the way, I also want to let my boy explore more too, so I have brought him to join a music playgroup just for funny (listerning song, doing baby massage in-between, etc), he quite enjoy.

    • Angie Chan says:

      In the Montessori Parent Workshop (Language) I will go through about Phonics. I love the way you nurish your child, prepare before introduce the new concept to him. Excellent parent!

  3. Mow Hoi Ching says:


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