Montessori Math – Short Bead Stair + Ten Bead Bar (learn the quantity from 11 to 19)

一般的學校教11以上的識數都會使用工作紙或平面教具。而Montessori用的是short bead stair+ten bead bar.先讓孩子了解11-19的量, 後再介紹數字(Numeral Formation)  

  1. Place the short bead stair randomly on the right side of mat.
  2. Have the child to bring the bead “1” by asking them “Can you find bead “1” for me please?”. Then let the child to put it on the top of the mat.
  3. Have the child to find the bead “2” by asking them “Can you find bead “2” for me please?”. Then let the child to put it on the just below bead “1”
  4. Do it likewise until bead “9”, placing the beads under each number to set up a triangle.

Child like to take time to count. And she is very happy that the triangle has been built!

 Control of error

  • The short bead stair, triangle cannot set up when the beads being put wrongly.

Then I introduce the ten bead bar to the child and let her to grap the concept of 10 and 1 make eleven and so on……

This picture show we are doing 3PL in order to let her familiar the concept


Lastly, I have her to make 11-19 by using the short bead stair and the ten bead bar.


Posted in 24 mths above activities 2歲以上活動, Montessori 蒙特梭利 | Leave a comment

Body awareness with the massage ball

Raising healthy babies needs playing games with them and constant stimulation. Games for babies help with infant development and allow the babies to reach developmental milestones.

This time I used a massage ball to move around Abbie’s body.I moved the massage ball around Abbie’s body and told her where is the ball  located.

It helps her start identifying part of her body. It is not only cause giggles from
tickling sensation, but also helps her to understand her own body.

Posted in 3-6mths activities 3至6個月活動, 6-9mths activities 6-9個月活動 | Leave a comment

卓X幼稚園 2011




跟大部分幼稚園一樣有N1, K1,K2及K3。這學校是用主題教學,一星期有3節時間,每節半小時的英文課。而普通話一星期有2節課……

由展板上得知,英文課會有Phonics,展板上寫的時以動物介紹英文字音,我猜可能是用Zoo Phonics。但是我問老師時,她跟我說是用朗文教材……有點confuse,但冇所謂……
我猜學校應該非常著重學術(writing skill/ reading skill/ maths/……),因為展板上的佈滿很多工作紙,大部分都是抄寫為主。而當我問到老師有關小一函接時,老師很自豪地說他們學生數學程度相當於同區小學二年級。

我想如果K3等於小二的程度,那麼上小一及小二時小朋友會怎樣(應該會好悶,因為所有都識),如果小二程度又等於小四以上的程時我們的下一代是suffering “grade inflation”。那程度又有什麼意義?






說老實我非常擔心,我能否敵過大環境?我是否有power可讓孩子接受good education的同時,不用在她未ready時面對壓力?我聲明,我認為求學或做任何事情是要追求卓越(try the best),要競爭但不是在學前或小學階段As Montessori say “free from competitive”



所以會有面試班、自理班、禮儀班、製作profilio班、家長班……,也有很多家長花錢去報希望買個安心、買個保險。所以幼稚園要做Open day,要把自己校內的課程有多深教多深,要小孩出外參加跳舞比賽(每天回校除了寫字便是練舞),這就是我們的可悲教育!!! 教育無論怎樣改革也改不了人的根深蒂固,

Posted in School/ Playgroup Visiting | 1 Comment

What a happy, busy day!

Being a mother, a working mother has to work more than 50 hours per week but I am still having fun at parenting and it is one of the greatest joys of my life.

Thanks for my teaching assistant (Abbie’s Daddy) who share the same idea with me and help me whenever I need help, and his working hours in much longer than me.

Instead of arranging learning activity to Abbie, today I choose to spend time just to enjoy one another.

Since I had a part time job as a playgroup teaching assistant (11:00-14:00) today, Abbie’s daddy brought Abbie to Gold Coast and she joined my class on 13:00 ^^

I let her to climb in the playroom.

Sometimes, when you let the child free to explore and there will be an unexpect outcome! Abbie is just 7 months old and I hardly believe that she can climb up the stairs without our help.

We’re having so much fun with the music, up and down moment and the bouncy ball.

My little teaching assistant – Abbie. She helps me to demonstrate how to play with the music and do warm up^^

Then me and Abbie’s daddy just grabbed something to eat and we went straight to the beach….. This time, the second time I brought Abbie to the beachside. I let her to crawl on the sand and even taste the sand (of course with limit and free from danger).  I also showed her how sand passes through fingers……

When I put Abbie on the grass her face show me that she doesn’t like the feeling. Then I put off my shoes and step on the grass. Oh! Ouch! It is VERY ROUGH no wonder she doesn’t like it.

I understand that children have its own way of seeing, thinking, feeling and nothing is more foolish than t try to substitute ours for theirs.

But Abbie is tasting sand!!!!! What’s wrong with her tongue? I hardly understand how Abbie feels when she tasting sand >.<

What a happy, busy day!

Just to remind all of you. Enjoy the time with your family and your little one. Partenting should be one of the greatest joys of life.

Posted in 6-9mths activities 6-9個月活動, Interesting Things 有趣的事情 / 物 | Leave a comment

Cookery Activity – Baking Cookies

我人生第一次焗曲奇,自己都未整過竟然自告奮勇話要同班小朋友一起焗曲奇還要一做做兩班(上/下午班) 用具加上材料已經是一大盤細細碎碎的東西,還有要用英文再加上普通話一起present難度10分滿分。因為要做group present又擔心班小朋友唔等得,總知好擔心。
但當進行活動時感覺還不錯,整個製作/教學過程小朋友跟我很開心。回頭想了想這才是真正的學前活動。其實好多學前教育的書藉都有介紹過cookery activty 是最好的學習活動
比起flash card, phonics, 公文數, 什麼什麼的興趣班的教學成果還要好。

首先,在語文方面可以豐富詞彙,例如, baking powder, flour, butter, sieve, rolling pin, dough……如果小朋友再大一點可以跟他一起receipe真是可以聽講讀寫各範疇都涉獵到。因我班的孩子比較小及時間所限只可以做到聽講讀三個範疇。

數學邏輯方面,材料分量是要量度才可以。他們要學會什麼是half & one quarter然後依據分量放入容器內。比起用Montessori的分數小人/版讓小朋友學分數來得有趣。而且可以看到小朋友有intrinsic motivations去學習。

大小肌肉及感覺方法不用多說,小朋友自己親身製作,而且if the dough is very sticky的話,他們知道加flour will help to dry the dough a little bit.

最後,德育方面,每人都有機會幫忙加入材料、攪拌及做自己的cookies,但一班有廿多個小孩,他們要懂得耐心等候……當snack time時,他們會品嚐自己的作品至少不會浪費食品,因為做的過程真的不容易……


Posted in 24 mths above activities 2歲以上活動 | Leave a comment

Busy Buzzing Bee

This song is from Disney Play Along 1 DVD. I have played this song from Abbie’s 1st month. The song can accompany with the toy bee play togther with the baby. Whenever you move the toy bee, baby’s eyes try to catch the bee. And that help enhancing their eye movement.

Point to note: You can move the toy bee (or another things from slow to fast, from top to bottom and left to right coz this is the reading writing direction!)

Buzz, buzz, buzzing bee,
Buzzing, buzzing at me.
Buzzing this way, buzzing that way, busy buzzing bee.
Buzzing up, buzzing down.
Buzzing up. buzzing down.
Buzzing all around, busy buzzing bee.

Posted in Song & Nursery Rhyme兒歌 | Leave a comment

I like to dance

This song is from Disney Play Along 1 DVD. My girl loves it very much. It is good to sing and move with your little one. As they can feel the relationship between their ownself and the space.

When daddy or mommy carry them and move around/ swing/ spin, their view is different from what they used to see (eye’s level is higher then usual). Also it enhances the inner ear development which good for balancing.

And more important is, it can strenghten the relationship between your little one and you!!

One more thing,  special thanks for my teaching assistant – Abbie’s Daddy ^o^ who is always support me and agree my view of education.

I like to dance my daddy (or mommy) and me,
I like to dance my daddy (or mommy) and me,
Look at me,
I am dancing, dancing around & around…..
I like to dance my daddy and me.

Posted in Song & Nursery Rhyme兒歌 | Leave a comment

Where’s froggie? For enhancing eye hand coordination!

For baby’s eyes catching object (eyes movement), you can practice when your child
can sit without your assistance.

I use bath toy becasue it floats on the water, the movement is slow enough for the baby to catch (eyes and hands).

This activity can enhance the child predition (where’s the froggie?) and also eye hand co-ordiantion as the child will try to catch the object!

以眼睛追蹤移動的物件(追物), 當孩子能夠自行坐下來時(約六個月),便可以進行此類活動。
因為bath toy浮在水上移動,速度較慢,BB的眼睛會容易補捉該物件及預測他的位置繼而申手去抓。這類活動可增強BB手眼協調的能力。


I just put the froggie in front of Abbie and let her aware of it.

She tries to touch the froggie when she saw it.

1st catch missed. Then she tries again^^

Finally she gets the froggie. Oh! poor froggie. Abbie stops eating Mr. froggie please >.<

Posted in 6-9mths activities 6-9個月活動 | Leave a comment

Montessori Sensorial Education – The long rods

The child is feeling “how long” is the rod.

He is arranging the rods from short to long.

The aims of working with the long rods are:

  1. Introduce the concept of conservation of length.
  2. Visual discrimination of difference in dimensions (length).
  3. Prepare child for number rods and counting 1-10.

What we need:

Mat, 10 red rods of varying lengths (length from 10cm to 100cm). The unit of difference between each rod is 10cm.

These are the steps how we present to the child, remember before presentation you have to tell the child prepare working area.

  1. Bring him over to the Red Rod and tell him: “This is the Red Rod”.
  2. Show the child how to hold the red rod (Carry the rod vertical and so your hands are at waist level).
  3. Let the child bring the longest and the shortest red rods.
  4. Have the child carry all of the rods over one at a time and place them horizontally in random order on the left of the mat.
  5. Pick the shortest rod.
  6. Place it in front of the teacher, run the right hand index and middle fingers from left to right slowly.
  7. Then bring the shortest rod at the lower left of the mat.
  8. Take the next shortest rod then repeat the steps 8 and 9 until the stair case is built.
  9. Dismantle the rods and put them randomly and invite the child to have his turn.

Building a maze act as one of the variation.

Control of error

 The child will know whether his works right or wrong by observe the outcome (harmony)




Posted in 24 mths above activities 2歲以上活動, Montessori 蒙特梭利 | Leave a comment

Sensitivity to co-ordination of movement


而嬰幼兒學習/練習一個動作是為了下一個動作做準備,而動作的發展是為了讓BB有更多的機會可以向外探索,也有更多能力可以操作環境而學習(As what Montessori emphasis “Intelligence and The Hand” Absorbent Mind)

Movement development is very important to the infant & young children.
For the new born baby, he moves randomly without co-ordinated and most of his movement is reflex action. As he interacts with the environment and with the mature limbs, vision and nerve system which help him to develop roll over, crawl, sit, balance.

Young children can explore well when he can explore freely by themselves and that help them to learn more things.

So we should think about how to encourage babies to move

  • Remove all obstracles
  • Avoid playpens/ high chair
  • Provide your child something (e.g. object that can move and make sound can fascinating your child to move)

I just make use of empty plastic container and put one block inside then place in front of Abbie. She will have her way to explore. As she enjoying the container which can move and make sound, she can also practise/ refine her movement (which like giving a practice opportunity to her limbs, vision and nerve system).

Posted in 3-6mths activities 3至6個月活動, 6-9mths activities 6-9個月活動, Montessori 蒙特梭利 | Leave a comment