Making balls of dough Chinese New Year’s Eve 做湯丸

I bought rice flour to make dough balls with Abbie on Chinese New Year’s Eve. 

* For refining fine motor skill

* Act as sensorial education

It is safe at least you don’t have to worry about the child will put into mouth coz water and rice flour can eat^^

The material is cheap $10 a package of rice flour and each time you only use few spoons are enough.

I show Abbie the mixture of rice flour and water. I kept stirring until thicky dough was formed. 

I gave her dought and she wiggled her fingers and felt the texture. (I thought)

Later she made the dought on the table and pat it.

Then she put it into her mouth, it was not yummy indeed (she knew without my explanation^^)

Done, with my help ^^ Happy Year of Dragon^^

Posted in 6-9mths activities 6-9個月活動 | Leave a comment

Busy/ Treasure Box

Babies enjoy touching, exploring and manipulating all kinds of toys or household objects.

You can prepare some soft toys, rough objects, things that make sound like rattle to put into the box and let your baby put his/her hand to take the object out.

This activity benifit the child motor skill. When they take out the object by their hand, covering the object my their palm and squeezing it into their fist. (用手掌握物後緊握著) It also allow the child to feel different texture of the objects and it  acts as a kind of sensorial education. Moreover, when your child grow up you can apply more language, for example parents can use their language to describe more about the objects which the baby takes.

I did this activity with Abbie when she reached 7.5 months old.

I put various kinds of toys inside the empty tissue box.


I encourage Abbie to put her hand into the box and let the feel what inside the box and grab something out from the box(it happens naturally, you don’t have to teach just provide the opportunity to the baby).

 You can have the child try to use both hands to do so.



Posted in 3-6mths activities 3至6個月活動, 6-9mths activities 6-9個月活動, Montessori 蒙特梭利 | Leave a comment

Montessori Geography – Land and Water Form (Presentation 1)


A piece of land surrounded by water joined to a large mass of land.

It is difficult to bring the concept of land & water form to young kids. However, Montessori did provide some good concrete material to help the children to learn this abstract concept.

Material needed,

  • A Mold – Peninsula
  • A jug with water (added blue food dyed)

Before working with the material, directress should introduce the concept of Peninsula. Then have the children to pour the blue water into a mold of Peninsula.


Have the child pour the water in the mold. Then directress reminds that Peninsula is a piece of extended land, it has 3 sides surrounded by water. 

Lastly, let the child feel it my herself.

Posted in 24 mths above activities 2歲以上活動, Montessori 蒙特梭利 | Leave a comment

Montessori Practical Life – Perforate (穿孔)

This is an activity from Montessori Practical Life area and it is very easy to prepare. The activity mainly help to refine the children fine motor skill and eye-hand co-ordination, it also helps the children to extend their attention span indirectly.


雖然這個活動有針好像比較危險,但我上下午班共有50多位小朋友,我至少跟30位小朋友一起做這個活動(已經做過好幾次,即合共100多次,但touch wood未有小朋友被針弄傷),只要在活動前好嚴肅地跟孩子說要小心使用,他們是可以做到,一定要相信他們的能力。而且,這個活動大概需時20分鐘,可以培養他們的集中力^^

What you need?

  • cork board (from IKEA)
  • pins (staionary)
  • picutre with dots around (download from internet)

How to work with the child?

It is very important to remind the children that the needle of the pin is very sharp so we have to be very careful when we work with it because we don’t want to hurt ourself or friends.

Have the child to use his first three fingers to hold the pin then put into the dot perpendicularly one by one. When he finished have the child to put the pin out.

It is better to wait until your child reach 3 years old or above and it is amazing to see the child can concentrate on his work over 20 minutes.

Remark: adult supervision is highly recommended for children!


Posted in 24 mths above activities 2歲以上活動, Montessori 蒙特梭利 | Leave a comment

Montessori Geography – Colored Globe (Hugg a Planet Earth)

Colored Globe (Hugg a Planet Earth), To let the children gain or improve global awareness, geographic literacy use to increase global knowledge and dialog.

I sang the continent song to Abbie to let her familiarize with the names of continents. The material is perfect and prehaps it is better than the orginal color globe.



You may challenge that the Hugg a Planet Earth may be too difficult for the young kids and it is not nessary to introduce the concept of geography(names of the places) too early. 

However, if the concept/knowedge is introduced in a fun way-why not? Abbie enjoyed holding the “Planet” and looking at it. Whenever, I sang the song her eyes will trace the planet. I won’t push her to recognize the names of continents or places, just want to let her have a change to explore the earth.

Posted in 24 mths above activities 2歲以上活動, Montessori 蒙特梭利, Song & Nursery Rhyme兒歌 | Leave a comment

Object Permanent Box With Tray

The theory of Object Permanent was initiated by a Swiss psychologist Jean Piaget (1896-1980).

What is Object Permanence(物件守恒)?

It general means an awareness that objects continue to exist even when out of sight. For newborns objects that disappear simply cease to exist “out of sight, out of mind.”

初生BB未有物件守恒的概念,在他們角度如果物件不在眼前就等於沒有。若你跟一個約六個月大的孩子,在他的面前玩玩具,當他投入後,你把玩具收藏起來,他會完全沒有意識要找回來,是因為他已經out of mind,情況一樣,但若你跟一個12個月的孩子,當你把玩具收藏起,他會找的。

所以這也是其中一個原因為什麼小孩子喜歡玩pee ka poo。

For detail you can visit this site

For the Object Permanent Box, it allows the children experience that out of sight doesn’t mean not exist. It does help the children to aware that the object continue to exist. And the other aim can help the child eye-hand co-ordination when they put the ball into the hole.


Children do love to work with it, because they like to manipulate the object repeatly and love to see the outcome as they predit.

Abbie takes the ball and try to put it in the hole. Of course she fails to do so, becasue she loves licking the ball >.<

However, when I put the ball in the hole the ball appear again she stared it and check where the ball is. She may gain the experience from this material. (當我把球放入箱時,她緊緊的看著,尋找球在哪裡。她可能獲得此概念)





Posted in 6-9mths activities 6-9個月活動, Montessori 蒙特梭利 | Leave a comment

Abbie 1st Egg York 第一次食蛋黃

29Dec11 (Abbie 8.5mths) was the 1st time I introduced egg york for Abbie. Of course I made use of this opportunity to let her explore “the egg” and let her tried to feed herself.^^


I boiled an egg and put in front of her. “Look! Abbie, this is a boiled egg.” I said.
I let her spend some time to touch/feel/ lick and roll the egg, in general to give time to the young children to explore by themselves. 


Then I peel the egg in front of her and tell her that we should peel an egg before eat. And let her observe the difference between before and after peeling.


I cut the egg into half and introduce the name “egg york” and “you are going to taste the yummy egg york^^”


I explain to Abbie”This is a bowl with egg york and this is a spoon. And we use spoon to put food in our mouth……”

We have a very good beginning and she seems know how to hold the spoon then put spoon into mouth.


However, just a while Abbie grabs the bowl with the other hand also she starts to chew the spoon.


Finally, she puts her face into the bowl then start to lick the egg york^^’.

Well what I say is “good try”!

最終把面衝向碗子裡再用舌去舔,我只好說句”good try!”

To summarize I apply Montessori teaching method use the real object to introduce its names. (Lauguage) and let the children to learn through 5 senses.
I have her to learn feed herself at least try to do it instead of just feed her directly.

Of course, parents should let their young kids try to feed themselves as soon as they are eager to do it and tolerate those messy situation.
And you can start with the solid snack (food that not hot)!




Posted in 6-9mths activities 6-9個月活動, Montessori 蒙特梭利 | Leave a comment

Abbie @ BXZbYnY CXZpus

I went to trial class on 22Dec. Before the class started I though it is related to Montessori however I was wrong >.< It is a campus for learning English only.

BXZbYnY CXZpus只是學英文跟蒙特梭利無關。

The campus is very large, neat and I can feel the sense of beauty. It is different from another learning center/playgroup. It seems like Regio/ Montessori setting. At least I can’t find the artifical art works from teacher or a lot of colorful things (yellow+red/yellow+blue+orange) that distract the babies’/kids’ attention.


When we came into the Campus, the receptionst asked me to bring Abbie to wash hands. The sink’s size and heigh is suit for the toddlers to clean the hands by themselves (10 likes here^^)


Then we were attracted by the big/large indoor playgroud. We could find the slide, tunnel, see saw……and toys such as puzzles and blocks. (10 likes here^^) 

Teacher invited us to come into the classroom to start the lesson. She began the lesson by using the picture of happy face and sad face. Then we sang the song “If you are happy” and then revised some vocabs (the name of veggie, such as broccoll, carrot, corn, potato). She brought the real veggie and introduce one by one and let the children smell and touch then introduce the name. (It seems like Montessori Approach) but without the written english.


Then the main frame was introduced the vocabs related to Christmas. She used the story book to open the topic then the rest of the lesson she mainly used props to introduce the vocabs such as Santa Claus, reindeer, elf, gift…..

And in between of each vocab we sang some related songs. I was so familized all the nursery rhymes/ children songs/ Christmas songs, that’s why I am quite enjoy the singing time.
The lesson mainly use super simple songs and wiggle.  

We had about 10-15 minutes break in between the lessons (I know baby can’t have an hour attention span but the lesson is quite expensive and we paid $$$$$ for 15 mins break>.<)


Luckily that during the break time, the teacher approached Abbie and played with her^^.


We came back to the lesson and learnt the name “reindeer”. Me and Abbie spotted that it is Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer. However, teacher didn’t explain the detail of Rudolph. (because I told the story and sang the song to Abbie, Rudolph is a reindeer with a shiny red nose to guide the Santa Claus’s sleigh on froggy Christmas Eve……)

老師介紹reindeer, 聖誔老人有9隻reindeers,每一隻都有名。而老師介紹這一隻叫”Rudolph”,不過她太集中在英文生字上的學習而忽略沒有提及有關故事。從另一角度也可能她想集中在語文知識上,所以不斷重覆”reindeer”

The end of the lesson, teacher fell the snowflakes and sang the Goodbye song^^

After the lesson, we stayed at the campus for a while to let Abbie meet some new friend. I know that I can’t expect she can play with a friend at this age. Nevermind, it was fun to try to put the babies together even though it is not work^^



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Baby Massage on the tummy can benifit in these situations,


  • When your baby begin to have fewer bowel momvents/ go days without passing stools. (BB幾天也沒有大便)
  • Gassy, baby ingests a lot of air during drinking milk (bottle/breast). The intestinal gas bubbles that are uncomfortable or painful.(當BB進食時同時會嚥下很多氣體,這會導致BB不適/疼痛)
  1.  It is preferable to massage between feedings! (做的時候應在兩餐之間)
  2. If you baby has diarrhoea do it in oppoiste way.(如果BB肚瀉可以以反方向進行)

In this viedo I demonstrate 2 steps

  • Hands of a clock
  • I love U Petrissage.

Posted in 3-6mths activities 3至6個月活動, BB Massage 嬰兒按摩 | Leave a comment

Pricy Education


我是完成及取得Montessori Teaching Method Diploma,我在Modern Montessori International 修讀Montessori Teaching Method Diploma, ,其course outline其實是相等於AMI比起AMI佢還多了一科Curriculum我不是透過在線修讀,當然我明白MMI不及AMI popular但沒法子,我又沒有錢出國讀。我是經過240小時以上的課堂,完成8份功課,經過6小時的考試有written examination 及 practicium examination。而且我在10年前已註冊為QKT及CCW,現在在Montessori School任Bilingual Teacher.

我開的班收費相宜不是因為我學歷及經驗不足,而是我相信,Maria Montessori 當時在  “Casa dei Bambini” (貧民窟設立兒童之家) 照顧及應用她的教學法是出於她對小朋友的愛及對教育的理念,她希望透過教育令世界變得更美好。




Posted in Interesting Things 有趣的事情 / 物 | 3 Comments