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Category Archives: 3-6mths activities 3至6個月活動
Move Abbie-Crawling + Squat + Stand up again
There are various easy activities you can work with your baby at home. Just need a chair and some house hold daily objects. You can encourage your baby to MOVE. There are a lot of exercises that help your babies … Continue reading
Using light to catach baby’s attention
昨天才發現某間PG也是用同一方法教家長在家中跟BB玩,聲明在先我沒有抄襲,真的是巧合而已。(12Feb 2012) Super fun activity ^^ **the viedo is nearly 3 minute (quite long) but hope you enjoy it^^ What you need is a small touch. It is very simple try to catch your baby attention with the light. Then … Continue reading
10 little toes and fingers
I will sing this song to my girl after baby massage. For the academic aspect, it is a very good activity to learn to count from (1-10), also the names of body parts such as fingers, toes, hands and feet. … Continue reading
Busy/ Treasure Box
Babies enjoy touching, exploring and manipulating all kinds of toys or household objects. You can prepare some soft toys, rough objects, things that make sound like rattle to put into the box and let your baby put his/her hand to … Continue reading
Baby Massage on the tummy can benifit in these situations, 嬰兒肚子按摩可應用於出現以下情況, When your baby begin to have fewer bowel momvents/ go days without passing stools. (BB幾天也沒有大便) Gassy, baby ingests a lot of air during drinking milk (bottle/breast). The intestinal gas bubbles that … Continue reading
Stretching Exercises & Baby Yoga 跟BB 做伸展運動
To maintain healthy body and strength baby’s muscles, there are some stretching Exercises you can do with your infant ^^ 1. Hug-A-Baby, gentle, passive stretching of the arms and legs 2. Alternate Leg and Arm Stretch 3. Tummy Knee Press … Continue reading
Fly Fly Butterfly
Fly fly butterfly, Fly fly butterfly, Fly fly butterfly, Fly up in the sky so high. My Abbie loved catching the toy butterfly when she was few months old. Then I sang the song with the toy butterfly. You might spot that I … Continue reading
音樂,家長們包括自己都希望自己的孩會喜歡,甚至可以Master一至兩種樂器。BB年紀太小,手眼協調,小肌肉未準備好,邏輯思維未能明白樂譜,如何在此階段培養他們對音樂的興趣及作彈奏樂器的準備。 其實學前不鼓勵介紹音程給幼兒,一般都是由拍子開始。最簡單有2拍、4拍及3拍。家長可選擇一些較短、拍子比較易掌握的曲目跟BB哼著及打拍子。讓他們可以以身體感受音樂。不要太擔心音準(除非自己是走音王),因為自己哼的話可以調整速度,而且此活動焦點在於感受拍子。 請注意這Viedo不是好的範例,因為我習慣了跟大孩子玩,自己先打一拍(重),然後再跟孩子打2,3拍(輕輕)。 如果跟BB做可以重拍在肩膞,輕拍在大腿。
Take it out 抽取物品
Babies love to take something out from the jar when they are between 5 to 9 months old. It can help them to refine eye-hand co-ordination, using both hands and fine motor skill…… So what can parents do? What kind … Continue reading
Not to crib
When I introduce this concept for my friends who are having babies, they thought I am crazy. Why I don’t set an area then put the baby in such as playpen/ crib……that will limit the accidents happen? I said “Defintely … Continue reading