Baby Massage on the tummy can benifit in these situations,
- When your baby begin to have fewer bowel momvents/ go days without passing stools. (BB幾天也沒有大便)
- Gassy, baby ingests a lot of air during drinking milk (bottle/breast). The intestinal gas bubbles that are uncomfortable or painful.(當BB進食時同時會嚥下很多氣體,這會導致BB不適/疼痛)
- It is preferable to massage between feedings! (做的時候應在兩餐之間)
- If you baby has diarrhoea do it in oppoiste way.(如果BB肚瀉可以以反方向進行)
In this viedo I demonstrate 2 steps
- Hands of a clock
- I love U Petrissage.