一般的學校教11以上的識數都會使用工作紙或平面教具。而Montessori用的是short bead stair+ten bead bar.先讓孩子了解11-19的量, 後再介紹數字(Numeral Formation)
- Place the short bead stair randomly on the right side of mat.
- Have the child to bring the bead “1” by asking them “Can you find bead “1” for me please?”. Then let the child to put it on the top of the mat.
- Have the child to find the bead “2” by asking them “Can you find bead “2” for me please?”. Then let the child to put it on the just below bead “1”
- Do it likewise until bead “9”, placing the beads under each number to set up a triangle.
Child like to take time to count. And she is very happy that the triangle has been built!
Control of error
- The short bead stair, triangle cannot set up when the beads being put wrongly.
Then I introduce the ten bead bar to the child and let her to grap the concept of 10 and 1 make eleven and so on……
This picture show we are doing 3PL in order to let her familiar the concept.
Lastly, I have her to make 11-19 by using the short bead stair and the ten bead bar.