The Constructive Triangles Box 1-Triangular Box

The Constructive Triangles Box 1-Triangular Box 

Have the child to take out the materialfrom the box. And place them randomly on the mat.

Bring the green triangles first and place them together. Then yellow and lastly red.


The grey triangle is used for self correct.

 The viedo show the way how we presnet in front of the child^^

(Please correct me if I wrong)


Control of Error

Black guidelines, colors of triangles and grey equilateral triangle. 

Direct aims

  1. To show the various triangles contained in an equilateral triangle.
  2. Discrimination of geometric form.
  3. Growth in concentration and independence.

 Indirect aims

  1. Preparation for geometry.
  2. Development of appreciation of line and form.
  3. Development of creativity.
  4. To discover at a sensorial level the various ways these shapes can be divided and combined to form another shapes.

About Angie Chan

“Early Childhood is the foundation on which children build the rest of their lives. And I believe learning can via many different ways to explore and experience. It is so much fun when seeing the children finds their ways to learn and love to learn which drive me to keep the passion on working with children.”
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