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Monthly Archives: December 2011
音樂,家長們包括自己都希望自己的孩會喜歡,甚至可以Master一至兩種樂器。BB年紀太小,手眼協調,小肌肉未準備好,邏輯思維未能明白樂譜,如何在此階段培養他們對音樂的興趣及作彈奏樂器的準備。 其實學前不鼓勵介紹音程給幼兒,一般都是由拍子開始。最簡單有2拍、4拍及3拍。家長可選擇一些較短、拍子比較易掌握的曲目跟BB哼著及打拍子。讓他們可以以身體感受音樂。不要太擔心音準(除非自己是走音王),因為自己哼的話可以調整速度,而且此活動焦點在於感受拍子。 請注意這Viedo不是好的範例,因為我習慣了跟大孩子玩,自己先打一拍(重),然後再跟孩子打2,3拍(輕輕)。 如果跟BB做可以重拍在肩膞,輕拍在大腿。
Take it out 抽取物品
Babies love to take something out from the jar when they are between 5 to 9 months old. It can help them to refine eye-hand co-ordination, using both hands and fine motor skill…… So what can parents do? What kind … Continue reading
Cookery Activity – Making Sandwhiches
It is fun for doing cookery activity with the children. They love this kind of activity and it is easily to notice that all of the young kids have the instrinic motivation to learn & work. When I introduce the indgredients … Continue reading