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Monthly Archives: December 2011
Object Permanent Box With Tray
The theory of Object Permanent was initiated by a Swiss psychologist Jean Piaget (1896-1980). What is Object Permanence(物件守恒)? It general means an awareness that objects continue to exist even when out of sight. For newborns objects that disappear simply cease to … Continue reading
Abbie 1st Egg York 第一次食蛋黃
29Dec11 (Abbie 8.5mths) was the 1st time I introduced egg york for Abbie. Of course I made use of this opportunity to let her explore “the egg” and let her tried to feed herself.^^ 利用進食蛋黃的機會來讓Abbie探索”雞蛋”及讓她嘗試如何自行進食。 I boiled an egg and … Continue reading
Abbie @ BXZbYnY CXZpus
I went to trial class on 22Dec. Before the class started I though it is related to Montessori however I was wrong >.< It is a campus for learning English only. BXZbYnY CXZpus只是學英文跟蒙特梭利無關。 The campus is very large, neat and I … Continue reading
Posted in School/ Playgroup Visiting
Baby Massage on the tummy can benifit in these situations, 嬰兒肚子按摩可應用於出現以下情況, When your baby begin to have fewer bowel momvents/ go days without passing stools. (BB幾天也沒有大便) Gassy, baby ingests a lot of air during drinking milk (bottle/breast). The intestinal gas bubbles that … Continue reading
Pricy Education
我開這個Blog的原因是希望將我所熟悉蒙特梭利教學/理念及其他教學相關的資訊推廣開,有時候我也不太計較個人利益。 我是完成及取得Montessori Teaching Method Diploma,我在Modern Montessori International 修讀Montessori Teaching Method Diploma, ,其course outline其實是相等於AMI比起AMI佢還多了一科Curriculum我不是透過在線修讀,當然我明白MMI不及AMI popular但沒法子,我又沒有錢出國讀。我是經過240小時以上的課堂,完成8份功課,經過6小時的考試有written examination 及 practicium examination。而且我在10年前已註冊為QKT及CCW,現在在Montessori School任Bilingual Teacher. 我開的班收費相宜不是因為我學歷及經驗不足,而是我相信,Maria Montessori 當時在 “Casa dei Bambini” (貧民窟設立兒童之家) 照顧及應用她的教學法是出於她對小朋友的愛及對教育的理念,她希望透過教育令世界變得更美好。 我不明白為何時至今天,所辦的家長班/小朋友的班動輒也要幾千元或以上?買教學材料要花上幾萬元? 當然我也總不能完全免費地開班,坦白說我也希望自己所付出的努力是有回報,但我不會收幾千元一個course或叫家長買幾萬元的教學材料!
Posted in Interesting Things 有趣的事情 / 物
Sandpaper Letter 蒙特梭利式介紹中文版
因朋友開了一間賣Montessori Material的show room,應她的要求將部分教具的操作方法拍攝下來,讓家長/老師買回家中懂得如何Present 給孩子。(好似煮食節目^^) 教學方法如有任何不足之處,請留言賜教。不要批評教學過程沉悶,因為此方法是希望最簡單直接地介紹字型及音給孩子,也不要批評沒有引起幼兒的學習動機,因為montessori相信當孩子是ready時,他對學習是充滿興趣的。 當然現實中有些時候不太work^^ Sandpaper letter 主要是讓孩子認識letter formation 及 letter sound (即字型及字音),其實如果唔用3 period name lesson的方法還有不同的present但萬變不離其中,都是要讓幼兒trace 及 say letter sound. 我本打算再做一套即是用硬卡紙及沙紙,但計下買材料都要用$100左右,不如再買一套新去教學,$200有找。
Introduce letter sound by using Sandpaper Letter (3PL)
I am not a native speaker so please kindly don’t challenge my accent. And this is one of the effective way to introduce/ Revision letter sound to the young child. This is the basic part of learning letter sounds by using Montessori … Continue reading
Stretching Exercises & Baby Yoga 跟BB 做伸展運動
To maintain healthy body and strength baby’s muscles, there are some stretching Exercises you can do with your infant ^^ 1. Hug-A-Baby, gentle, passive stretching of the arms and legs 2. Alternate Leg and Arm Stretch 3. Tummy Knee Press … Continue reading
Fly Fly Butterfly
Fly fly butterfly, Fly fly butterfly, Fly fly butterfly, Fly up in the sky so high. My Abbie loved catching the toy butterfly when she was few months old. Then I sang the song with the toy butterfly. You might spot that I … Continue reading
Weekly Letter Sound c for we are clicking castanets…… (Part 2)
This is defintely not a good example but I really want to share with others, you will find how crazy I am. I tried to introduce the song related to the letter sound /c/ and I love the song … Continue reading