* Dear Parents this is not a good example don’t try to introduce the sandpaper letter to your child so early. Coz my child end up licking of the sandpaper letter instead of tracing it. ^o^ (29th Sep, 2011)
I put the sandpaper letter in front of her after introduction.
Haha, she then trace the sandpaper letter by herself. The way that she traces is similar how I trace with her.
I introduce the sandpaper letter “a” to my darling daughter Abbie. I just put the sandpaper letter in front of her and say the sound of letter “a” (short sound) and trace the letter shape with her.
Then I sing
ants on the apple /a/,/a/, /a/
ants on the apple /a/,/a/, /a/
ants on the apple /a/,/a/, /a/
/a/ is the letter a.
After that I put the sandpaper letter on the mat and I let her explores the letter.
I didn’t use the Jolly Phonics Song because the words arm DJ [ɑ:m] and alarm [əˋlɑ:m] which are different from the sound ant DJ [ænt]
/a/, /a/ ants on my arm,
/a/, /a/ ants on my arm,
/a/, /a/ ants on my arm,
They’re causing me alarm.
/a/ 短音是在字典應該是 /æ/,所以當介紹 /a/短音時應該用 apple DJ [ˋæpl], ant DJ [ænt], alligator DJ [ˋæli͵geitə]或者 可以介紹中間音有/a/的短音cat DJ [kæt], mat DJ [mæt],等等。
今天我還見到有外藉老師介紹/a/ 短音時,叫左一個小朋友的名 Adrian 話佢的名是 begin with /a/ (short vowel) sound. 我無言!